DIRECT PARTICIPATION in open source communities is the very best way to practice venture philanthropy that can benefit billions of humans … there are perhaps too many different ways to participate and there are so many open source developers who are doing things that are beyond remarkable, definitely beyond the achievements of celebrities and maybe, in some cases, beyond even the achievements of Olympic athletes, ie its not that open source developers are better, rather this is an assertion that their efforts have more positive impact upon the lives of more people. There is no higher calling for me than the world of open source … not just open source software, bot especially open source education and open source knowledge engineering.

The most important work in open source is probably in areas such as kernel development/maintenance and distributed open source version control systems. Because of the open sourcedness of Gitlab, I slightly favor Gitlab over Github … but, of course, I have to adore EACH, for different reasons. I attempt to participate in or follow the action on both GitLab and GitHub, but one has to pick one’s battles, ie this is WHY one should ignore all news orgs, all video, almost all social media – there’s far more important, impactful material.

I try, to the best of my abilities to write C, to participate in Git development community and recieve a lot of emails from the listserv every day to follow the action. Of course, Ruby on Rails is bit easier to follow than than a conversation in C about Git internals, so I find the GitLab development repository, particular the Issues Boards, as REQUIRED READING

Of course, one can always work at being a better example of fitness/health, self-reliance and creative minimalism … sustainable long-term examples are more directly powerful when it comes to building awareness that goes beyond the idiot compassion of checkbook charity and the kind of virtue-signalling compassion … sustainable improvements in lifestyles for populations are necessarily going to come from the long-term, stable examples of severely minimalist artists/developers.

I have five Venture Areas … I am probably looking at pruning/consolidating to three … but, so far, that sort of framework just does not work because pruning and elimination seems to involve giving up on important themes.

  • Collaborative AI/MLops … I am excited about things like … less excited about Google Colab, but hopeful … more excited about companies like JetBrains with PyCharm and Datalore

  • Distributied security … not that excited about gunsmithing tools for ghostguns and 3D printed guns anymore, but more excited about fitness and practical ways for abolition of any/all reliance by the masses on medicine/pharma, this includes encouraging martial arts lifestyles including throwbacks to old school traditional martial arts dojos as well as residential startup accelerators for fitness and minimalist lifestyle

  • Financial exchanges … exchanges for locating and institutional frameworks for accelerating the negotiations that pertain to the three big things in any project/venture: calendar/time, requirements/scope, money/prioritization of value

  • LEAN Quality … using D.O.W.N.T.I.M.E. to first be able to SEE, then eliminate waste … we might emphasize quality or value, in order to begin with no longer producing NON-VAULE-ADDED existences, NOISE and DEFECTS that people settle for, especially those that come out of a failure to achieve a shared understanding at the onset

  • Educational disruption … ISAs of Lambda School as well as the Gradiance project completion methodology